Instructions for Authors
Only original papers will be considered for presentation at the conference.
Extended abstract of a maximum of 3 pages must be submitted by 19 January 2 February 2025 via EasyChair. Acceptance notification will be sent out by 28 February 2025.
Authors whose abstracts are accepted are required to submit their full papers by 20 April 2025. Full papers should follow the provided template and must not exceed 8 pages in length. The template can be downloaded below. Submissions must be made via EasyChair in pdf format. Please use the “Update File” option in EasyChair to upload your full paper. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present their work. Authors of accepted papers will be eligible to have their work published in Transportation Research Procedia by Elsevier, continuing the partnership between Elsevier and EWGT in place since 2014.
We are pleased to announce that authors will also have the opportunity to publish in special issues of Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems and, for the contributions associated with the special session on connected and automated driving and mobility, Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles and Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. More details and submission guidelines for these special issues will be provided in due course, allowing authors the option to publish their work either in Transportation Research Procedia or in a special issue that aligns with their research. For inquiries regarding submission, please contact [email protected].